An Interview with Fantasy Author Kirsten Wheelock

When did you start taking writing seriously and honing your craft?

I never really thought I could write until 2018. A couple of authors that I was BETA reading for convinced me to try writing. I was sick on the couch and thought, why not. 6 days later my first book was born.

Are you a pantser or planner? What is your philosophy on planning out your books / pantsing through the writing process?

Pantser for sure. I am trying to plan more but I find that a very loose outline fits my style more. I tend to let the characters lead me.

What three fantasy authors would you say has most influenced your writing?

Hmm. that is a hard one. Wendie Nordgren for sure, Anne MacAffrey, and oh boy I don't know who to say for the third.

Have you ever abandoned a piece of writing and left it unfinished? Would you ever go back, change it and finish it?

Yes! Maybe if the muse takes me. But either the story had issues or the readers weren't interested.

Do you have a day job and what is it?

Does mom of 6 count? Maybe that is a 24/7 job. [Yes, it definitely counts.]

What fantasy subgenre(s) do you enjoy writing the most?

RH and space opera.

Outside of fantasy, what genre or subgenre would you like most to write in? (eg. Historical Fiction, Mystery, Sci Fi, Spy Thriller, etc.)


What was the first book you've published and what do you like about it?

Protecting Rose. I love how twisted and unexpected it was. I had no plan at all, just wrote. It wasn't supposed to be RH, but my alpha readers had an absolute hiss about one character so...

What was the most recent book you've published and what do you like about it?

Santa Nicola. It is the first in my Twisted Kiss Series and I loved trying to figure out how the men would act as being submissives. Also the 1940's, dieselpunk vibes were fun to incorporate.

How many books have published thus far and what are their titles?

  • Protecting Rose
  • Consuming Rose
  • Sanctifying Rose
  • Cherishing Rose
  • Finding Her Wings
  • Asylum of Bone and Tears
  • A Taste of Dragonfire
  • A Taste of Love
  • Xislunia's Law
  • Forsaken
  • Prevail
  • Santa Nicola
  • Merkitty and the Orange Fish Fiasco
  • Merkitty and the First Day of School Jitters
  • Merkitty Gets A Surprise
  • Merkitty and the Bootakular Fright
  • King of the Rock
  • Ruby Panda's Christmas Surprise

What was your favourite hero/protagonist you've thus far written about? What makes them special?

Oh boy. You want me to choose? If I do then one of them will shut up on me and not tell the story. Hmmm maybe Akiyra because she has overcome so much and learns to adapt and love. The same could be said for Gertrude in my current project (due out 2/14) Killove's Valentine.

What was your favourite villain/antagonist thus far? What makes them special?

Esson. His character is so complex and there are twists you don't learn until the end. (The Guardian Series)

If you could propose the plot of a TV show what would you make it about?

Hmmm I adore end of the world plots with subterfuge. But I also love space opera so probably something along those lines.

Do you like to use tropes in your writing and subvert the reader's expectations, or do you try to avoid them entirely?

Um both? I tend to twist my stories in different ways. Fairytales with the men as the damsel in distress (what is the male version of damsel?), shifters who can't shift out of their animal form, etc.

What skills do you yourself possess that you feel the need to write about and keeps you inspired? (eg. Archery, blacksmithing, horsemanship, languages, etc.)

Um... I don't know. sewing and cooking? though they are rarely in my books.

Do you get annoyed when you see movies, TV shows or books that show unrealistic depictions of things or do you brush it off as the "magic of fantasy"?

Sometimes. It depends on the show/movie and how engaging it is.

What is the darkest thing you've ever written about?

Torture of Rose. That was hard.

Do you sometimes find it difficult to find books to read because you are looking for something specific, nobody has written it, and you realize you should just write it?

Sometimes. More it is covers that drive me crazy. They all look the same and say very little about the book.

What is your next book that is coming out, when should it be available, and what is it about?

2/14 Killove's Valentine comes out. It is a RH Contemporary about a group who are soured on love, but circumstances push them together. On 2/28 Ember's Veil comes out. It is a Twisted Kiss story about conjoined twins and an albino woman who have to save the realm. It is dieselpunk/alternate history.

What are you currently reading by other fantasy authors?

Cynthia Sax Cyborg Series, Wendie Nordgren The Clue Taylor Series.

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