
Pokemon Spawn Locations in Toronto

POKEMON GO TIPS - November 24th 2016.

Pokemon tend to spawn in what are known as Poke Nests. These nests are often connected somehow to the geography or building that the pokemon are nearby.

Water Pokemon tend to spawn near water: Rivers, lakes, dams, etc.

Fire Pokemon tend to spawn near farmland, but can also be found in inner cities.

Earth/Rock Pokemon tend to spawn on hiking trails near rock formations, caves, etc.

Spawning however is a bit random. Nests are where certain types of more rare Pokemon will spawn frequently. Unfortunately nests also change over time. For example I know of several nests.

#1. Queens Park, Toronto - The D shaped section of the park south of the legislature has 12 Pokestops within a 5 minute circular walk.

Currently it is spawning Onix and Scyther. (Not so long ago it was an Exeggcute nest.)

#2. Edward Gardens and Sunnybrook Park - By itself Edward Gardens has 25 Pokestops and you can basically just walk in circles around the place.

Currently both of these are nests for Exeggcutes, and to a lesser extent Eevees.

#3. E. T. Seton Park

It used to be a Kabuto nest. I have a feeling it is spawning something else now. If you know what the nest is currently spawning please post in the comments below.

#4. Roundhouse Park - Between Ripley's Aquarium and the Steamwhistle Brewery.

This used to be a Ponyta nest. I have no idea what it is currently a nest for, but I am hoping it is Fire type Pokemon. Also lots of common water Pokemon closer to the aquarium.

Otherwise use the handy guide below to try and find new spawn locations and nests.

Do you know of a current Pokemon Nest somewhere in Toronto?

If so please post in the comments below:
  • Location of the Nest.
  • Type(s) of Pokemon in the Nest.
  • Month Date Year of the last time you were at the Nest.
This way when the Nests change, we can simply delete old comments from an older date and leave the new ones which are current, this way we focus on the new nest locations.


  1. Sunnybrook Park
    May 2nd 2017

    May 2nd 2017

  2. E. T. Seton Park
    April 29th 2017


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